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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


No, I'm not about to write a post about that foreign chick who sings the "Paper Planes" song. Go ahead. Breathe a sigh of relief.

I want to explain why I've been Missing In Action for the last few days. I struggle with the identity of this blog...mixing personal life topics with instructional/advice topics. I actually like writing both and have a good response to both, so my goal is to continue to mix them.

To that end, a bit of an update is due.

I gave myself a few days off from blogging because, well, I was drinking margaritas! Margaritas are probably my favorite way of celebrating. They just make me feel like I'm not in the US. I can pretend I'm on a beach, really  celebrating!

Celebrating what!? I thought you'd never ask...

I got a new job! I know that 90% of you have no idea what I do for a living or had any clue that I wanted a new job. Well, I'm keeping the details to myself because that feels like the right thing to do. And I try to do "right" things when I can. Just know that this job is a huge  blessing for my little family.

God continues to provide for me and love me even when I doubt and question His plan for me. His grace...the way He loves me when I prove  to Him that I don't deserve so humbling. He is good and He does good. And I am unworthy, but so grateful.


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