I recently got some fantastic, awful news.
A good friend of mine (who happens to make adorable hand-sewn products and is in the second picture down here) just got great news! Her husband was offered a job that he had applied for and long hoped to get! YAY! But, it's five hours from here. Not yay.
I felt like she and I were just getting close, and it made me immediately regret not taking the time to really get to know her more deeply.
So, the message I'm left with is simple - be thankful for your friends. They are true gifts and our time together is not promised - not within the same city or even the same life. Take advantage of your time together. God so successfully shapes and molds me through my friends. Iron sharpening iron. I wish I would have allowed Him to use her in my life, and vice versa, more while she lived here. Thank goodness for the internet! I can (and WILL) email-and-blog-stalk her! It's not over yet!
Let's all say a little prayer of thanksgiving for our friends. Then, let's call them and sing this song to them (flashback alert!!!)...
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